probably to coincide with the celebrations during April, Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month, our numbers will be close to other places with even higher rates, and like every increase over the past 25 years, officials will have no idea what’s driving the numbers or if there...
By Kent Heckenlively, Esq. On Saturday, April 30, the official end of the most amazing Autism Awareness Month in memory, I went to the Opera Plaza Cinemas in San Francisco to watch VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, directed by Andy Wakefield, produced by Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey....
Editor’s note: Autism Awareness month is becoming a call to action from the autism and neurodivergent communities for change from the rest of society. In this edited excerpt from their upcoming book with Different Roads, co-authors Shahla Ala’i-Rosales and Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe offer a specific...
Understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is improving in the field of psychology every year, yet manygender, racial, and ethnic minorities who have autism are still misdiagnosed or overlooked entirely. Despite advancements, diagnostic criteria for ASD continue to center the presenta...
"We also do presentations throughout the State, including first responder's training and Autism and strategies. One presentation that has been popular this month is Kits for Kids. An AIS goes into schools and spends about 20 minutes telling a story and doing an activity with students to help...
each presentation which included questions such as: “My son is autistic and he is being bullied in school. He is having difficulties in dealing with this situation, is there anything that I, as a parent, can do? Or is that any measures that should be taken by the school he is attendin...
World Autism Awareness Day, which is April 2, encourages awareness about the existence of autism and the roughly 4 million autistic individuals around the world.
The self is a multidimensional concept that can be represented at a pre-reflective (first-order) level, at a deeper, reflective level (second-order), or even at a meta-level (representing one’s own thoughts, i.e. self-related mentalizing). Since self-related processing and mentalizing are...
Also, I have other things on my heart besides autism. I am concerned about the US Constitution and prosecution injustices like the Debra Milke case. These things are taking my time and taking my time away from producing the presentation on autism for you. ...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) represents a highly heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental conditions with early-onset impairments in social communication and unusually restricted, repetitive behaviors and interests. The global prevalence of ASD is about 1%. Genetic factors underlie important ASD risk with...