The only weakness Pelphrey found with the Stanford study was its sample size: "if it were double, I would be jumping up and down." Still, he says, "I'm kind of rocking back and forth in my chair with excitement."【小题1】The underlined word "deficits" in the first paragraph can be...
Doing something over and over, like repeating words or phrases, rocking back and forth, or fidgeting with objects (such as flipping a light switch) High sensitivity to sounds, touches, smells, or sights that seem ordinary to other people Not looking at or listening to other people Not looking...
She had heard four year-old Keshawn moving around in his room at midnight and found him on the floor, repetitively hitting his right leg while clutching his favorite stuffed animal with his left hand, rocking back and forth the whole time. This certainly wasn’t unusual, and Margery could ...
action, and play. These deficits make it hard for children with autism to relate to the world around them. They may exhibit odd behaviors, such as repeated body movements, flapping their hands in the air, or rocking back and forth. They may also develop unusual attachments to objects...
Fidgety, repeated behaviors like hand rubbing or rockingbackand forth Sticking to a routine and getting upset with changes Being easily distracted by certain sights or sounds In comparison, ADHD can cause very different symptoms, including:
Autistic children lack interest in the world and other people and are immersed in their own reality, playing alone, sometimes just rocking back and forth. They have difficulty learning, of course. Some become violent. Autism has not been researched extensively in China, but it is not rare, sa...
ASD or not, girls tend tointernalize their behaviorswhile boys are more likely to externalize their behaviors. Externalized autistic behaviors could look like expressive meltdowns, uninhibited blunt communication, or openlystimmingthrough hand flapping, rocking back and forth, word repetition,...
Allowing stimming or repetitive vocalizations or behaviors, such as rocking back and forth or flapping hands while standing or walking around. Note that this focus on accommodations fits well with a social model of disability: ‘disability’ is about person-environment fit, not...
Many individuals with ASD have unusual physical behaviors as well as interests. Here are some of the behaviors and interests that individuals with autism may exhibit: Engaging in stimming, such as rocking back and forth or flapping hands, mostly to calm themselves ...
Rocking back and forth. (You can see more ata recent analysis of autism statistics by Blue ABA) My son spoke early and often, communicating like a much older child. He had many peer friends, though they were predominantly girls who appreciated his sensitive, gentle nature. He was highly emp...