April is Autism Acceptance Month. Read more below to learn about Visit Mesa's initiatives and efforts to creating an inclusive destination.
Autism Acceptance Month, previously named Autism Awareness Month, in April aims to celebrate and promote acceptance for the condition that occurs in one in every 54 children as of 2020 in the United States. Autism, a complex developmental condition affecting the patient’s ability to interact, com...
Acceptance, inclusion, and honoring differences are more important than ever. April is Autism Acceptance Month and Guinness World Records is proud to highlight two incredible young record holders on the autism spectrum, Sanaa Hiremath and Auldin Maxwell. By focusing on what comes natu...
April is Autism Acceptance Month which means time for book recommendations!! Or Autism Awareness Month if you prefer! I personally feel we need both acceptance and awareness. While society has improved its understanding of autism in recent years, there is still a long, long way to go. Especial...
It is this time of the year. Those people are talking about inclusivity and acceptance. It is the ‘World Autism Awareness Month’, or what I call the month, April. 2 April is particularly painful as it is World Autism Awareness Day. Even with pandemics and fear, I see nothing but even...
April is Autism Acceptance Month, and this year’s theme is "Celebrating Differences." At the time of writing, a news story had just come out in the UK about parents being offered the choice to have school photos that either included all the children in a class or a photo ...
Autism - GeneralApril 2, 2022 Happy World Autism Acceptance Day! Here are a few of Our Favorite Shareable Autism Quotes byadmin Happy World Autism Day! Throughout April (Autism Acceptance Month) The Art of Autism nonprofit will be sharing some of our favorite quotes on our… ...
A Poem for Autism Acceptance Month byadmin Acceptance By Rachel Pretlow Let the waves be open! Let the light shine in! Let us embrace parts of us Where we have never… Read More Art Gallery,Art of Autism Past ProjectsApril 2, 2020 ...
According to the World Health Organization’s international studies, an estimated 1 in 270 people has autism spectrum disorder. This prevalence has inspired the declaration of April asAutism Awareness MonthorAutism Acceptance Month. The United Nations also observes April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day...
Apple has added an Autism Acceptance page to their app store. April is traditionally recognized as Autism Awareness Month and April 2 as World or International Autism Awareness Day. These awareness campaigns are supported and driven by Autism Speaks and their “light it up blue” drives. ...