John Gabriel Stedman (1744 – 7 March 1797) was a British–Dutch colonial soldier, who wrote The Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam (1796). This narrative covers his years in Surinam as a soldier in the Dutch military deployed to assist local troops...
Thomas Wentworth Higginson was an American reformer who was dedicated to the abolition movement before the American Civil War. Ordained after graduating from Harvard Divinity School (1847), Higginson became pastor of the First Religious Society of Newbur
Moses is the prophet who leads Israel from slavery in Egypt to the edge of the promised land. He also wrote about 20% of your Bible. Of all the Old Testament prophets, nobody’s like Moses (Dt 34:10–12). Moses is a Hebrew born in Egypt and raised in Pharaoh’s house. After kil...
Between 1929 to 1932, she wrote for Bohemia, where she “developed radical psychological challenges to the prescribed behavior of Cuban women.”Rodríguez, along with Cuban feminist, journalist, and poet Mariblance Sabas Aloma, was among one of Cuba’s most influential feminist writers of the ...
As the narrative switches perspectives and cross-sections into the inner monologue of several characters, it keeps the viewer perpetually wondering who is the main character of the story. The con, or more specifically the plot, is cast to the side. The joy of watching the construction of the...
Let’s talk about writing. When did you publish your first book? What was that like? I published my first short story in September 2020. It was a huge relief and experience. The journey to publishing my first story was long and challenging. I wrote stories for years for myself and real...
VJ:I recently wrote a new picture book I’m really excited about! It came to me very quickly and for me that feels like something really true and good. I’m also in developmental edits with my middle grade novel. Thanks so much for chatting with me, Harry. I hope we get to meet ...
Lauren: In many ways, this is a self-help book for people caring for others with dementia. Anyone in that situation will find a lot of valuable advice along with an understanding of why their loved one acts the way they do. Because I wrote this almost like an instruction manual, all th...
s version of post-Imperial Russia, was described as having “tawny” skin, and took that to mean African-American, meaning a horrible depiction of African-Americans in bondage. I believe the author, who is Asian, was actually going for a commentary on modern slavery and human trafficking in...
as a group. I wrote to her that if this little girl loves to camp, you need to figure out how that happened, how that passion was stoked, how her parents and grandparents felt about it. Or you have to make her white. Because otherwise it’s a paint by numbers diversity piece and ...