TrustedTokenIssuerArn The ARN for the authorized token issuer for integrating Amazon Redshift with IDC Identity Center. Type: String Length Constraints: Maximum length of 2147483647. Required: No See Also For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see...
The ARN of the trusted token issuer. int hashCode() void marshall(ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) Marshalls this structured data using the given ProtocolMarshaller. void setAuthorizedAudiences(Collection<String> authorizedAudiences) An array list of authorized audiences, or applications,...
When you add an authorized service token, you must select a user role and security profile. You can also enter the expiry date of the token.
A method, controller, and computer-readable medium for determining authorized token transfers on a tokenized transfer network including determining network-host parameters corresponding to a network-host of the tokenized transfer network, determining network-client parameters corresponding to a network-client...,format=m3u8-aapl)&token=[PUT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE] In the example above, you need to put in an absolute path in URI (otherwise, the request will come back Auth server): ...
Right now there's no way to get an ID token if your credentials are user credentials e.g. if you're signed into gcloud locally. Right now I have to exec out into gcloud auth print-identity-token to get a token, it would be great if this ...
This invention relates to a method (100) for creating, on a device (200), an authorized domain (102) for sharing a (103) of a content item (104) between a first person (105) and a second person (106). The method (100) alleviates the hassle of having end-users managing authorized ...
Part of initialization checks for the token, and can get it from session storage. When it does so, it really needs to check for expiration. An expired token is definitely not valid. Optionally, it would be good to allow for a check of th...
在Spring Security源码分析十一:Spring Security OAuth2整合JWT和Spring Boot 2.0 整合 Spring Security ...
Yesterday I generated a new Groundspeak token and was able to download some PQs since in GSAK. Today I am getting errors (Message #184) saying my token is invalid. I have gotten new tokens several times in a row and still get this error after each new to