For personal cards, authorized users are often family members, such as a child or a spouse. Benefits to an authorized include a potential boost to theircredit score. Discover how authorized users work, including some pros and cons of being or adding an authorized user to a credit card account...
» MORE: View authorized user purchases with these credit cards Ready for a new credit card? Create a NerdWallet account for insight on your credit score and personalized recommendations for the right card for you. GET STARTED Issuer policies on authorized users All the major issuers NerdWallet...
advantages and disadvantages there are several benefits to adding an authorized user to a credit card: advantages for cardholders advantages for authorized users helping another person build credit simplifying finances as a couple or family gaining access to a credit card building credit based on the...
If you’re trying to build credit, one potential strategy is to become an authorized user on a trusted cardholder’s account. Once you’re attached to the account, you typically get your own credit card that’s linked to the account. And if the account appears on your credit reports, the...
An authorized user is a secondary account holder added to a credit card account by the primary cardholder but isn't responsible for payments. Learn more in detail.
An authorized user builds credit when the credit account holder maintains responsible credit habits that help a credit score grow, such as making on-time payments
You can help the authorized user build credit. You can give someone with little to no credit access to a credit card. You can keep a rarely used account active. You can easily share an account with a family member or an employee. You could earn more rewards on purchases made by authoriz...
Building your credit the smart way Being added as an authorized user on another person's card may help you establish a credit history or build your credit. Yet cardholders and authorized users' on-time, late or missed payments will be added to both parties' credit reports, so it...
An authorized user is someone who has been added to a credit card account by its owner. They can make purchases but are not required to make credit card payments.
While parents may be acting with good intentions when making their children authorized users on their card, both the parent and child's spending behavior could have negative effects on both of their credit scores. According to Schulz, making someone an authorized user on a credit card does not...