This is a corporation with capital stock divided into shares and authorized to distribute to the holders of such shares dividends or allotments of the surplus [...] 这类公司的股本分成很多股份,公司 有 权根 据 所持 股份 ,将股份红利或剩余利润的配额 分配给股东。 phil...
Hi, Seek advice on disclosure of share premium received on common stock - can it be clubbed with share capital or is it required to be disclosed separately under 'Share / Securities premium' in the balance sheet HBS Staff replied: Thursday, August 29, 2019 Lakshmi, this is likely a quest...
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE For the six months ended 30 June 2015, the Group's total capital expenditure was amounted to approximately US$21.1 million, which was used in the (i) construction of building; (ii) purchase of equipment; and (iii) capitalisation of R&D projects expenses. CAPITAL COMMITMENTS...