Description: Predefined level-2 role VLAN policy: permit (default) Interface policy: permit (default) VPN instance policy: permit (default) Role: level-3 Description: Predefined level-3 role VLAN policy: permit (default) Interface policy: permit (default) VPN instance policy: permit (default) Ro...
同时配置: authorization-attribute user-role level-15 authorization-attribute user-role network-operator 那哪个优先生效 2024-08-01提问 举报 (0) 最佳答案 已采纳 zhiliao_sEUyB 等级高的 2024-08-01回答 评论(2) 举报 (0) 可以 zhiliao_sEUyB 发表时间:2024-08-01 更多>> 1 个回答 按时间 按...
authorization-attribute user-role network-admin //设置用户权限为管理员权限 service-type telnet ssh //设置服务类型 telnet ssh passwork simple admin@123 //设置密码,可选明文或密文;部分设备即使你选明文也会自动变为密文 # local-user admin //设置用户名 service-type telnet ssh level 3 //设置服务类型...
And authorization process will check requesting role with eligible parameter roles, and if the condition will fulfill then the process will allow the user to access the action; otherwise, it will not allow the user to access or enter in action logic. Conclusion It's difficult to manage ...
if(BOX_PATH_CELL_LEVEL.equals(boxName)) {// TODO Bodyの生成// EntitiesResponse er = this.op.getEntities(Role.EDM_TYPE_NAME, null);returnResponse.ok().entity(boxName).build(); }returnResponse.ok().entity(boxName + role).build();...
authorization-attribute user-role network-operator
如果配置成authorization-attribute user-role level-1或者authorization-attribute user-role level-3,不要下面这两条命令是否可行 1 . authorization-attribute user-role network-admin 2 . authorization-attribute user-role network-operator 2024-03-20提问 举报 (0) 1...