On a spring day in 2021, in the mountains of Northern Turkey, yet another protest by the villagers took place to oppose a government-backed, company-initiated commercialisation project. A notorious construction company with close ties to the government wanted to establish a quarry in İkizdere V...
If a purposeful violator of the Constitution who is a sworn officer of the government is not a domestic enemy of America and a traitor, then there is no such thing, and the Constitution itself is without meaning, and America has lost its grounding and its very purpose for being. Anti-Amer...
(1996),Foucault and Political Reason: Liber-alism, Neo-liberalism, and Rationalities of Government, UCL Press.Benanav, A. (2021),Automation and the Future of Work, London: Verso.Beniger, J. (1989),The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Infor-mation Society, ...
That is, the responsibility for stability lies in centralized government authority and the “tradeoff between security and individual liberty should be rebalanced in favor of the former” ([20]:51). Under authoritarian order, the authorities “ought to do whatever is necessary, not what is legal...
Anglo-Saxon capitalism’s drive to maximise profits in the short term won’t save the planet. Perhaps the Chinese model can? … But by the time they do, it could be too late. Capitalism – especially the dominant Anglo-Saxon variant of capitalism – has tr...