Authorised Dealer Code是指被授权经销商的代码,通常用于标识被授权经营特定品牌或产品的经销商。这个代码由品牌方或制造商提供给经销商,并在销售和交易中使用。使用授权经销商代码有助于确保正品行货的销售和维护品牌的形象。如果一个经销商被授权使用某个品牌或产品的代码,则该代码可以在销售发票、产品包装、宣传资料...
Authorised push payment fraud is notoriously difficult for banks to prevent. Because the victim is sending the money themselves, the steps that banks take to authenticate customers are ineffective, as the customer will of course pass any identity check. In the UK, the Payments Systems Regulator ha...
Authorised push payment fraud is notoriously difficult for banks to prevent. Because the victim is sending the money themselves, the steps that banks take to authenticate customers are ineffective, as the customer will of course pass any identity check. In the UK, the Payments Systems Regulator ha...