(e.g. father, mother, business partner) to submit/collect my visa application (如父亲,母亲,商业伙伴)代表我递交/ 领取我的签证申请。 on my behalf. ___ ___ Signature of Applicant Date 申请人签名日期©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算...
: AUTHORISATION LETTER Date: 日期 To: Royal Thai Consulate-General I, 护照上的英文姓名, holder of passport 委托人护照号 hereby authorized 委托人和代办人的关系 被委托人的姓名, holder of passport/identification card 被委托人证件号码, to submit my visa application/ collect my visa on my behalf....
authorisation签证letter新加坡授权护照 AUTHORISATIONLETTER 委托书 I,___(Name),Passport/IdentityCard 本人,(姓名)**/身份证号码 ___,herebyauthorised___,holderof 兹委托(姓名) ** Passport/IdentityCardnumber___,my___ 护照/身份证号码我的 (e.g.father,mother,businesspartner)tosubmit/collectmyvisaapplica...
Ihavetakennoteofthefollowingpointsrelatingtothecollectionoftheawardparchment: theauthorisedpersonwouldnotbeabletocollectmyawardparchment(s)onmybehalfifin theabsenceofanyoftheabovedocument(s)andthissignedauthorisationletter; theUniversityreservestherighttowithholdtheissuanceofanawardparchmenttoa graduatewhohasunsettled...
AUTHORISATION LETTER 委托书 I, ___(Name), Passport/Identity Cardnumber___ 本人,(姓名)护照/身份证号码 hereby authorised___, holder of passport /Identity Card number 兹委托(姓名)护照/身份证号码 ___,to submit/collect my visa application on my behalf. 代表我递交/领取签证申请 Signature of...
摩洛哥authorisation letter
to □ submit or □ collect* my passport with its visa on my behalf (代表 我□递交或□领取* 我的护照与签证申请).___ ___ Signature of Applicant(申请人签名) Date(日期)* Please tick. 请打勾。Note: Even if the same person is authorised to submit and collect the applica...
engagement-letter-tax-agency-authorisation ENGAGEMENT LETTER TO: Colbert Cooper Limited I hereby instruct you to prepare my Financial Statements and related tax returns until further notice. I do not require you to complete an audit or review of my Financial Statements and understand that the ...