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2.10.2 Feedback to Particle Physics 150 3 Grand Unified Theories 155 3.1 Introduction 155 3.2 Why GUTs? 155 3.2.1 Weinberg Angle in GUTs 157 3.2.2 Quantization of the Electric Charge 157 3.2.3 Triangle Anomaly 158 3.3 SU(5) 160 3.3.1 Fermion Representation 161 3.3.2 Representation of the...
2.10.2 Feedback to Particle Physics 150 3 Grand Unified Theories 155 3.1 Introduction 155 3.2 Why GUTs? 155 3.2.1 Weinberg Angle in GUTs 157 3.2.2 Quantization of the Electric Charge 157 3.2.3 Triangle Anomaly 158 3.3 SU(5) 160 3.3.1 Fermion Representation 161 3.3.2 Representation of the...
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2.10.2 Feedback to Particle Physics 150 3 Grand Unified Theories 155 3.1 Introduction 155 3.2 Why GUTs? 155 3.2.1 Weinberg Angle in GUTs 157 3.2.2 Quantization of the Electric Charge 157 3.2.3 Triangle Anomaly 158 3.3 SU(5) 160 3.3.1 Fermion Representation 161 3.3.2 Representation of the...