The author writes this letter for the purpose of . 57.How did the writer perform in her university? She has been during her past four years. 58.What did the writer learn as a second foreign language? She learned as a second foreign language. 59.What position did the writer apply for...
14. The unemployment rate kept rising in that decade, ___ did economic growth accompanied by rampant commercialism and consumerism. A. such B. as C. and D. or 选B。考点:方式状语从句、倒装。 很典型的一个用法。as引导方式状语从句常用倒装,主要用于加强语气,增强表现力,意为“正如”“像……一...
下列实验对应的现象以及结论均正确的是 实验 现象 结论 A 向装有溴水的分液漏斗中加入裂化汽油,充分振荡,静置 上层溶液为橙色 裂化汽油可萃取溴 B 将钠块加入盛有无水乙醇的烧杯中 有气泡产生 生成的气体是H 2 C 向Ba(ClO) 2 溶液中通入SO 2 有白色沉淀生成 酸性:H 2 SO 4 >HClO D 分别...
The merits of Pope’s Homer lie less in the accuracy of translation and in correct representation of the spirit of the original than in the achievement of a heroic poem as his contemporaries understood it: a poem Virgilian in its dignity,moralpurpose, and pictorial splendour, yet one that con...
Landing pages’ sole purpose is to boost your business. The page plays a vital role in reaching a new niche market, getting you more customers, and helping you to promote your products. The landing pages offer exceptional advantages, and it can be even personalized to target your business nic...
Use multiple communication strategies!Oxen expect to be told and shown by position and the goad. With humans, say it, write it, demonstrate it. I’m not suggesting you email someone and ask if they got your text. Texting serves a different purpose than emailing or calling. Chose wisely. ...
hisworksarenotavailableinmostMiddleEasterncountriesbecauseofhissupportofSadat‘sCampDavidinitiative.In1994hesurvivedanassassination(暗杀)attemptbyIslamicextremists(极端主义分子). Heismarried,hastwodaughtersandlivesinCairo. CampDavidAccords:popularnameforthehistoricpeaceaccordsin1978betweenIsraelandEgypt. Theofficial...