One of them is a classic among classics in the field of political philosophy written two and a half centuries ago: Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s The Social Contract. This book that advocates the sovereignty of the people and puts forward the notion of the “general will,” and which is generally...
洛克的《政府论两篇》(Two Treatises Of Civil Government)是在1689年和1690年相继写成和出版的。其基本精神在于对1688年刚刚结束的英国所谓“光荣革命”进行辩护和理论总结。上篇着力于驳斥保皇派菲尔麦鼓吹君权神授和王位世袭的反动论点,下篇则正面阐述洛克本人关于议会制度的政治理论。一般公认下篇更富有理论价值。所以我...
Locke: Two Treatises of Government This is the revised version of Peter Laslett's acclaimed edition of Two Treatises of Government, which is widely recognised as one of the classic pieces of recent scholarship in the history of ideas, read and used by students of politica... E By 被引量:...
TheRestorationof Charles II brought to an end the 20 years in which the separated churches had enjoyed freedom of worship and exercised some influence on government policy. On Nov. 12, 1660, at Lower Samsell inSouth Bedfordshire, Bunyan was brought before a local magistrate and, under an old...
(1809;Army Chaplain Schmelzle’s Journey to Flätz) were the last of his extremely popular novels. In 1808 he received a pension from Prince Karl Theodore von Dalberg, later paid by the Bavarian government, which guaranteed him financial security. He continued to write novels andtreatiseson ...
原先,“政党”(party)的意思是代表民意;而像洛克《政府论》(Two treatises of government)提倡代议政治,其意也在于代表和表演。因为在实际的政治决策过程中,不可能叫全体人民都来参加,为此才选出民意代表为之。可见,政党政治与议会政治的本意,原是为了代表民意,不像后来政党往只为了自己的利益,变成选举机器;而议员...
of “baby boomers” along with that generation’s hullabaloo to get listened to by “the establishment”, also known as government entities for one reason or another. For one, I think the end of the Vietnam War remained fresh in many minds and contributed to free thinking with ideas of ...
I do not profess to be a scholar by any stretch of the imagination, but in reading some of the authors from the time of the Founding Fathers and some of the books they read to gain understanding (Two Treatises of Government-John Locke), and others written afterward (The Law-Frederick Bas...
Thoughts on general and partial inoculations : containing a tr...Thomas. Dimsdale
洛克的《政府论两篇》(Two Treatises Of Civil Government)是在1689年和1690年相继写成和出版的。其基本精神在于对1688年刚刚结束的英国所谓“光荣革命”进行辩护和理论总结。上篇着力于驳斥保皇派菲尔麦鼓吹君权神授和王位世袭的反动论点,下篇则正面阐述洛克本人关于议会制度的政治理论。一般公认下篇更富有理论价值。所以我...