Peter Benchley's first novel, Jaws, became one of Hollywood's biggest blockbusters, an acknowledged classic recently judged by the American Film Institute as the second most scary movie after Psycho. The story of a great white shark that terrorises a smart resort similar to Long Island captured...
He was the son of Gertrude Darling and Robert Benchley (1889-1945), the noted American writer and one of the founders of the Algonquin Round Table in New York City. His elder son, Peter Benchley (1940-2006), was a writer best known for writing the novel Jaws and the screenplay of the...
Author! under the collective name of Millicent, to help us remember that these are human beings with individual literary tastes working for agents with personal preferences, as well as literary market savvy — invariably beard the heavens on not only the first work day of the year, but for mo...
(Which is, in case those of you searching frantically through the archives have been wondering, why I always provide such extensive explanations for everything I advise here: since so many of my readers are considering quite a bit of competing information — and frequently doing it in a moment...
“Jaws” meets global warming? An inconvenient tooth? Based on real science, and just in time for summer beach reading, “Sharkbait” throws two mismatched scientists together, risking their lives to learn how sharks can venture on shore for food. Climate change, toxins in the ocean, or some...
I also just realized in looking over our emails that it was Sarah who first used one of my absolute favorite analogies for danger/villains/etc in writing. Says Sarah: To make a weird analogy, part of the reason why Jaws works so well as a scary movie is because we don't see the ...
Everyone who enters the giveaway will receive digital copies of both Her Dark & Enchanting Poetry and Her Dark & Enchanting Spellbook. These are lovely companion pieces to the novel. Head to the author’s website with proof of preorder and ENTER HERE! Rosalyn Briar is a former teacher, a...
But the biggest culprit was a version of the complete Sherlock Holmes. Half the book was fine, while the remaining half had typos littered across the pages. Well, if all these books – especially the complete Sherlock Holmes one – could be sold in big chains, then I could publish mine....
novel The Stonebreakers, featuring the passage: ``Their jaws groundin feverish mutual mastication ... There was a purposeful shedding of clothing.''In 1997, Nicholas Royle took the ``honour'' in The Matter Of The Heart by writing: ``She made a noise somewhere between a beached seal and ...
Since being confirmed by the Senate in July 2021, National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or “Board”) General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo has issued 26 memoranda. Many of the GC Memos issued during GC Abruzzo’s tenure present novel…more Employer Liability Issues, Employment Contract, NLRA, NLR...