“In Snowden Wright’s latest novel, The Queen City Detective Agency, hardboiled ex-cop Clem Baldwin is drawn into a murder mystery that plunges her into the perilous underworld of Meridian, Mississippi, where organized crime and political corruption reign. Wright’s masterful prose and crackling...
then His death must also cover the consequences of our sins, and sickness is a prime example. There was no sickness before sin came into the world, so there should be none for forgiven believers. The physical bodies of true believers, which...
As the leader of the Imposters, an elite private investigative firm, Lord Yates Fairfax has made an art of concealing his identity. But when his newest client, the beautiful Lady Alethia Barremore, is shot while leaving their meeting, he throws caution to the wind and rushes to her aid. ...
Mary Queen of Scots was an active ruler of Scotland for just six years (1561-1567) yet her reign has attracted more attention and debate than that of any other monarch in Scottish History. Catch The Hunterian exhibit that explores the life and afterlife of Mary, and take the free Future L...
eleanor & alais: the court of love about christy A graduate of Duke University, Christy English is the author of the historical fiction novelsThe Queen’s Pawn(2010) andTo Be Queen: A Novel of the Early Life of Eleanor of Aquitaine(2011) from New American Library, a division of Penguin ...
s world is rocked by the arrival of his long-lost cousin, who may or may not be the true Duke of Wyndham. And if Thomas is not the duke, then he’s not engaged to Amelia. Which is the cruelest joke of all, because this arrogant and illustrious duke has made the mistake of ...
I will be discounting new vids every day of the sale so check back for what’s new, I might be removing some from the discount each day too, so be sure to snag what is catching your eye! Just use the filter to sort to see what is on sale. Sale ends December 7 at midnight ET....
If you don’t want to fuck a boy who acts like he’s auditioning to play Tinkerbell in a drag queen production of Peter Pan don’t offer him a cocktail. GodsFavorite (Owner) – Dec 27, 2024 I’m not a fucking trans boy, can’t believe I have to specify that ...
blog tour for the fabulous Jennifer Ivy Walker. GENRE: Paranormal Medievel Romance BLURB: In this dark fairy tale adaptation of a medieval French legend, Issylte must flee the wicked queen, finding shelter with a fairy witch who teaches her the verdant magic of the forest. Fate leads her ...
butTo Sir Phillip, With Lovehad two: The first wasFor Eloise, Wherever I May Find Her, inspired by the Simon & Garfunkel song "For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her," which I think is one of the most romantic songs ever written. The second working title wasThe Importance of Being Eloise...