In Heb. 2:1010For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. (Hebrews 2:10) it is “captain” in the AV (KJV), He was “leader” of their salvation ...
英文-车臣文字典 яздархо nounйу originator or creator of a work 显示算法生成的翻译 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“author"翻译成 车臣文 变形干 (Hebrews 10:12, 13) In 1914, Jehovah gave Jesus theauthorityHe had promised him. ...
Praise in the Day of Trouble 20. Similitudes of the Kingdom, Thoughts on the Listen from: • 21. Sketches in the Life of the Man Who Shook the World 22. Some of Our Wild Animals and Their Habits Listen from: • 23. ...
New American Standard Bible 1995 2 [a]fixing our eyes on Jesus, the [b]author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Read full chapter Footnotes Hebrews 12:2 Lit ...
You are not alone. We are those who refuse to skim across the surface of faith. We have hearts for—deep water, deep woods, deep space, deep thoughts, deep conversation. Hebrews 10:39. Lori RoeleveldAuthor. Speaker. Disturber of hobbits....
But in order to conform German culture to his schemes, Hitler needed to compromise the church. Thus accelerated the church struggle, in which German Christians abandoned whole segments of the bible that did not fit Nazi objectives, and the Confessing Church found itself increasingly at odds with ...
and you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses. Berean Standard Bible You killed the Author of life, but God raised Him from the dead, and we are witnesses of this fact. Berean Literal Bible ...
“I am a father to Israel.”…To Israel, God thundered from Mount Sinai in juegment. He was the Holy One in the midst of the Shekinah Glory cloud that rested in the holy of holies. The writer of Hebrews best summarized the Old Testament perspective of God: “for our God is a ...
Romans 8 tells us that Jesus came"in the likeness of sinful human flesh,"and Hebrews 2 and 4 insists that in the Incarnation, Jesus’s humanity was inevery waylike ours,tempted in every wayas we are, yet without sin. Similarly, Gregory the Theologian said that Christassumedevery aspect ...
Hebrews 12:24 TPT How much Love is Enough? March 27, 2023/Jana/Leave a comment I seem to have a hard time loving. Even after all this time, some conflict or some person slams up against a brick wall inside my heart. On this wall is a big neon sign that flashes “THAT’S IT!