Join The Upcoming Book Tour Of J. Kahele, The Great Author Of Blink: The Series – Breaking BranchesFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThis season brings some amazing news for the Amazon shoppers. An amazing book tour is going to be organized for the book lovers. J...
For a long moment, all sorts of things raced through her mind, but none of the thoughts would actually click together. “What job?” “I wish you to design, and paint, four murals. One for each of the main walls of the nightclub.” The club was huge. All four walls? She slowly m...
Sarah turned to her cousin with a brilliant smile. She’d never forgotten that mad moment the year before when she’d first met Lord Hugh. He had turned from hot to cold in a blink of an eye. And damn it all, if he could do it, so could she. “Your wedding is going to be pe...
About The Book Immersed in a monotonous and solitary existence, The Harris Sisters find themselves thrust into a realm of unimaginable possibilities in the blink of a single night. Faced with a life-altering adventure, they stand at a crossroads, contemplating whether to seize the opportunity and...
there I am. And then I’m not. The ever-present ticking of the clock reminds me that my time isn’t my own; I’m living on borrowed moments. The rise and fall of my chest, the blink of my eyes as I absorb Conley’s words … these events are marked with an expiration date. My...
of photos to post. Everyone says that an author is supposed to sell the author and not the book. Hmm, tricky. I hate having my photo taken (Yeah, I know, seriously weird considering I’m a photographer), so selfies are out of the question. Okay, so what about photos of my books?
At minimum, this admittedly rather pretty top page demonstrates that the writer does not understand that throughout the publication process, the title page of a manuscript is not just its top cover. Nor is it merely the shouted-out declaration of the book’s title and who wrote it, ...
In the blink of an eye — and the zap of a top-secret mainframe — Stevie istransported into a video game! Forget rooftop Jacuzzis. Now he’s roughing it in Minecraft-style virtual world where monsters roam, Players have limited Hit Points, and his robot butler wields ridiculous superpowe...
Gladwell tells Cooper that his best-selling book "Blink" taught him to "never use your instincts." As Gladwell explains to Cooper, instincts or snap decisions encouraged him to stay out of his assistant hiring process: "You hire the person with whom you have chemistry, right? Chemistry is ...
B probably wouldn’t blink twice if she didn’t get back to him before then. Remember, it’s not as though an agent who requests materials sits there, twiddling his thumbs, until he receives it. He’s got a lot of manuscripts already sitting on his desk — and piled on the floor, ...