Did its mournful resonance chill your bones, or at least lightly chill your marrow? Did it prompt you to yank the covers over your head, reasoning that whether that terrible noise came from the wind or the collective resultants of holiday merry-makers returning to work, you wanted no part o...
Every teacher, from third grade on said, "Mary, whatever you do, don't stop writing." Those words came back to me when I signed my first publishing contract with Echelon Press. "Why," I ask myself, "did it only take 40+ years to appreciate the fact that, maybe, just maybe, I ...
(c) and develop a one-size-fits-all response, you’ll be like many author-bloggers that have been at it for a while — and will almost certainly end up looking like a jerk who did not bother to read the question. Readers are smart; they know a canned reply when they see one. (d...
How did Anna save Emily? Show Answer Answer: Emily had used the mute button during her conversation with Anna so that all Anna heard was: "call...help...emergency...please hurry". Anna, sensing something was wrong, called the police and told them Emily's address. The police were ...
This was true in my General Chemistry class when Sister Mary Thompson – and oh! I was terrified of her! – took our textbook and threw it on the ground with a colossal crash, saying, “It doesn’t matter if you memorize every chapter, every sentence, every letter in this entire book...
John Maloney: Cop Botches an ArsonNovember 28, 2024 Who Committed the Rape That Sent Ed Honaker to Prison?November 15, 2024 Ed Honaker: Life After ExonerationOctober 28, 2024 Janice Trahan and Dr. Richard Schmidt: An EpilogueOctober 4, 2024...
I welcome you to join me on my writing journey. Please subscribe to my Monday Blog,MaryFranSaysand check in regularly for updates. Oh, yeah, and (final plug) BUY MY BOOKS! You’ll be glad you did. I know I will. Thank you. ...
But please go visit Mary Lee at A(nother) Year of Reading for the Roundup! (My phone is not cooperating to copy the link either!) Off to a technology-free baby and her toddler brother... see you soon! xo Be the first to comment Poetry Friday - The Happy Holiday of Master Merri...
– Mary, AudibleMoney Grubber Money Grubber This was back when live burials were common. Bells would often be placed above a grave with a string leading into the coffin so a person could ring for help should they wake up from a deep sleep, buried. Alive. Bells were made of metal, ...
This is my longest published story to date, about a USCG officer sent to a distant planet to help some alien snails (Thraad, for fans of the Faceless stories) win a sailing race on an ocean planet. Sort of like Project Hail Mary meets White Squall. It’s about sailing and first conta...