马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨(Mario Vargas Llosa),1936年3月28日生,拥有秘鲁与西班牙双重国籍的作家及诗人。创作小说、剧本、散文随笔、诗、文学评论、政论杂文,也曾导演舞台剧、电影和主持广播电视节目及从政。诡谲瑰奇的小说技法与丰富多样而深刻的内容为他带来“结构写实主义大师”的称号,台湾多译为尤萨或罗萨。Mario是...
马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨(Mario Vargas Llosa),1936年3月28日生,拥有秘鲁与西班牙双重国籍的作家及诗人。创作小说、剧本、散文随笔、诗、文学评论、政论杂文,也曾导演舞台剧、电影和主持广播电视节目及从政。诡谲瑰奇的小说技法与丰富多样而深刻的内容为他带来“结构写实主义大师”的称号,台湾多译为尤萨或罗萨。Mario是...
Macmillan Books: Author: Mario Vargas Llosan/aPoetry
Rate some books to find out!BlurbThe Bad Girl, originally published in 2006 in Spanish as Travesuras de la niña mala, is a novel by Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2010. Journalist Kathryn Harrison approvingly argues that the book is a rewrite...
Rate some books to find out!Blurb Mario Vargas Llosa's brilliant, multilayered novel is set in the Lima, Peru, of the author's youth, where a young student named Marito is toiling away in the news department of a local radio station. His young life is disrupted by two arrivals. The ...
On the list was: Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Columbian novelist), Mario Vargas Llosa (Peruvian-Spanish writer), Isabel Allende (Chilean writer), Jorge Luis Borges (Argentine short-story writer, essayist, poet and translator), Julio Cortazar (Argentine novelist, short story writer, and essayist), ...
As Mario Vargas Llosa wrote in THE PERPETUAL ORGY: A handful of fictional characters have marked my life more profoundly than a great number of the flesh-and-blood beings I have known. He’s talking about a literary orgy, incidentally, not a physical one: quite a lot of the book is ...
Two years later, however, she joined Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa and other writers in publicly protesting the regime’s harsh treatment of Heberto Padilla, one of the country’s leading poets. She also denounced Fidel Castro’s punitive policies toward homosexuals. ...
R. R. Tolkien | Mario Vargas Llosa | Derek Walcott - Vol. 11 Patrick M. O'Neil. Marshall Cavendish, 2004 Read preview Dylan Thomas: The Legend and the Poet: A Collection of Biographical and Critical Essays E. W. Tedlock. Heinemann, 1960 Read preview See all 10,201 related ...
I had planned something special to mark the occasion, but then, I keep waking up each morning, murmuring, “Yes, today is going to be my day for gloating about Mario Vargas Llosa’s finally winning the Nobel Prize in Literature on the blog,” because, really, the guy’s been on the ...