包含Author Lists和Editor Lists,其实内容与【Citations】处非常类似,主要分为Author Separators和Abbreviated Author List两处设定;另外Author Lists多了「For Subsequent Works by the Same Author」,与【Citations】处的Subsequent Appearance 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~...
编辑一下你所用的reference type。菜单-edit-output styles-edit“xxx”(xxx,你所选用的reference type名称),在打开的对话框中选bibliography下的authorlists,在右边abbreviated author list一栏中第二行“if XX or more authors,list the f...
About Joan Vennochi is an opinion columnist and associate editor. She writes about local and national politics, transportation, health care, cultural and legal issues. Mostly, she tries to get people to shed their preconceived notions, and at least for the amount of time it takes to read a...
现在在pending editor decision。 分享2赞 沃斯编辑wosci吧 WOSCI沃斯 教您如何向SCI期刊投稿如何向SCI期刊投稿 当选定了拟投期刊和论文的最后一稿准备好后,就可向SCI期刊投稿了。 一、准备投稿信 SCI期刊的编辑往往需要一些有关作者及其论文的信息,而作者也希望给编辑提供一些有助于其全文送审及决策的信息。这些...
or "well done"- it's a book where it seems like the author looked into your brain and wrote a book specifically for you.A book like that for me was released this week.It's called 100 Things We've Lost to the Internet, written by editor Pamela Paul.Paul l...
García also holds the title of Associate Editor, serves on the Globe editorial board, and occasionally writes editorials, the daily unsigned essays representing the view of the Boston Globe as a community institution. García has been part of the Globe opinion and editorial pages since early ...
coastal(站内联系TA)我最近也是投elsevier的,也是submission sent back to Author,也是因为格式问题什么的,修改好了以后,又重新提交了,现在已经with editorlh1980lh(站内联系TA)可以打电话问问饿lmm5373(站内联系TA)退回给作者了jianxian20(站内联系TA)Originally posted by yangjiayun at 2010-07-16 10:06:38:...
请教:附件中有这个Atom list editor表!我想问一下表中的几个参数的含义:NA、NB、NC是什么意思?
第四步,用 PlistEditor Pro打开你的 DisplayProductID-*** 文件,在下半部贴上以下代码然后点击点击...