可以说,作者贡献专声明有利于减少学术不端行为。ru如he 何zhuan撰xie写由于每本期刊所涉及的主题不同,因此ACS(Author Contribution Statement)要素也各不相同,根据网站上给出的ACS要素列表,对10 种期刊进行了对比。1、Conceptualization(实验思路构思):Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goa...
Author Contributions Statement Author A conceptualized and designed the algorithm, implemented the initial codebase, and prepared the original manuscript draft. Author B contributed to the development and fine-tuning of the algorithm, performed substantial debugging and code optimization, and assisted with ...
author agreement和author contributions statement 作者协议和作者贡献声明 重点词汇 agreement协定;同意;一致;契约;应允;协议 contributions贡献;捐款;捐资;定期缴款;促成作用; contribution的复数 statement陈述;报表;报告;声明;陈述,表述;说明;说法;清单;表态;结算单;评估报告;表白;对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定...
2. 综述稿件的Author contributions: For review articles, a statement should be included who had the idea for the article, who performed the literature search and data analysis, and who drafted and/or critically revised the work. #2 专家意见:Please check the affiliation. 译文:请复核作者单位。 ...
和国家、并列第一作者的声明、第一作者的姓名和职务、通讯作者的姓名、职务、标记(一般用*号在姓名的右上角标记)和电子邮箱、短标题(Short title,一般限于50个英文字符,含空格)、经费声明(Funding statement)、利益冲突声明(Conflict of interest)、伦理声明(Ethics declaration)、作者贡献声明(Author contributions)。
(2015), learned publishing 28(2), with permission of the authors. sample credit author statement zhang san: conceptualization, methodology, software priya singh. : data curation, writing- original draft preparation. wang wu : visualization, investigation. jan jansen : supervision. : ajay kumar : ...
5.Declaration of interest, Funding, Author contributions statements (where appropriate) 6.References, 7.Figure legends 8.Figures/ tables. 9. Graphical Abstract *Optional* (for full requirements see above "Research, Graphical Abstract") Review submissions should be limited to 6000 words. We recommend...
再给你们一个链接哟https://www.elsevier.com/authors/policies-and-guidelines/credit-author-statement 具体内容如下(方括号内是我个人备注哦,方便理解❗): Credit author statement Credit (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) was introduced with the intention of recognizing individual author contributions, reducing auth...
4.Declaration of interest, Funding, Author contributions statements (where appropriate) 5.References 6.Figure legends 7.Figures/ tables* *Please note, a minimum of one Figure is required for review articles. Review submissions should be limited to 6000 words. We recommend a maximum of 60 referenc...
4.Declaration of interest, Funding, Author contributions statements (where appropriate) 5.References 6.Figure legends 7.Figures/tables For further information on what is include in each of these sections, please see the ‘Manuscript Preparation’ section above. ...