"Five childhood friends reunite, 20 years later, in their Chesapeake fishing town and are forced to confront their own dark past as well as the curse placed upon them in this paranormal horror masterpiece from the bestselling author of Come with Me. Maybe this is a ghost story… Andrew Lar...
I participated in the manifestations in my hometown Gottwaldov, now Zlin. My friend Zuzana watched our son Jake who was still in a stroller. It was cold and breezy on the Main Square filled with thousands of people. A tribune was set up and speakers took turns to fire up the crowds. W...
Later, I take a step back to gain perspective and shake off negativity and criticism after being in the public eye and scrutiny. The balancing act is important to me. At times, like on this sunny day, my psychic reaches out to me which I am grateful for, and then I know I am loved...
You know, like “it’s a happening place”? I’m not sure when that phrase started or when it stopped being part of the vernacular, but this past week, my little town of River’s Edge, Indiana, was a happening place–for real. Let me explain… River’s Edge, my fictional town on...
The 'holiday' referenced here isn't quite our winter holidays, I suspect, but it seemed appropriate for this time of year anyway. Looks like the illustrator's last name is Birch? I think this would make a great standard cumulative-tale picture book as well; the author kindly left the ima...
All I Want for Christmas is a Cowboy Clark, Mary Higgins Cinderella Murder, The (Under Suspicion #1) Clark, Sonya Disruptor Clayton, Alice Cream of the Crop (Hudson Valley #2) Nuts (Hudson Valley #1) Wallbanger Cleave, Paul Five Minutes Alone Cleeton, Chanel Fly With Me (Wild Aces...
of Alice At sixteen, Alice was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition which left her in the body of a barely pubescent young woman. Now, at forty, she’s utterly exhausted with the slew of men who have constantly attempted to fetishize her existence. ...
“It was gestures like that, small acts of intimacy between them, that made me think my parents probably still had sex. I was both repulsed and somewhat assuaged by the thought.” stagnant:adjective. 1. a. not flowing in a current or stream (stagnant water) b. Stale ...
” You would stand in the middle of the town square and shout your message from that platform.Today, your platform is like that, but much much more powerful. With an online platform, you have the potential to reach people all over the world.Building a strong network of fans who you ...
Alice Walker discusses By the Light of My Father's Smile, being one of the most censored writers in the U.S., women’s sexuality, and much more. (This conversation is reprinted from a interview originally printed in Ms. Magazine in September/October 1999.) "You look like you're dressed...