如果您无法连接至 VPN 的话,Microsoft Authenticator 应用在中国区域内可能无法正常使用,如果微软有意在中国假设服务器,其实中国好的企业有很多,例如华为云,阿里云,腾讯云,其实都很不错。 Microsoft 十分希望在中国境内架设服务器,但是根据国家法律法规与相关规定,在国内开展的业务必须由中国企业负责运营 (例如 Apple 在...
You candownload the App on the Microsoft Store, but it's only available on Mobile Devices, and has a specific minimum requirement for Windows10 Mobile version or Windows8 Mobile. However, the Authenticator on allWindows Mobile operating systemswill not be supported after Feb 28, 2020. Which me...
This looks just to be for logging on to O365 not for logging into a Windows 10 desktop. Rob Nunley Thursday, October 31, 2019 1:27 AM Hi Rob, This Microsoft doc can give you a hint, have a look. Sign in to your accounts using the Microsoft Authenticator app ...
使用Authenticator 作为登录的一种方式 如果已为帐户启用无密码、双重或多重身份验证,请使用以下步骤登录: 转到要登录的网站。 在登录提示符下输入用户名,然后选择“下一步”。 选择“发送通知”。 注意:如有必要,请选择“其他登录方式”,然后选择“批准Microsoft Authenticator 应用上的请求”。
For several times I tried to get signed in with my work account which is connected as AzureAD at other users. When I sign in with my password to this account, windows 10 asks to authenticate with Microsoft Authenticator App. When I open the app and add this AzureAD account...
I just recently got a new laptop, and I need to get an authenticator program working on my computer that resembles Microsoft Authenticator since obviously Microsoft hasn't released the application for Windows 10 on PC. Furthermore, I have many accounts in Microsoft Authenti...
老哥们,你们知道mi..老哥们,你们知道microsoft authenticator是个啥嘛…一玩游戏win10就弹出这个东西推送,怎么屏蔽惹惹
If you're developing for Windows 10 or later, use theWindows.Security.Authentication.Web.CoreAPIs instead. For more information, seeWeb account manager. C# [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract),65536)] [Windows.Foundation....
您还可以在Microsoft Edge中同步和自动填写这些密码,如果你也在桌面上使用Google Chrome,也可以使用扩展来同步和自动填写相同的密码。 自动填充功能将与微软账户一起工作,它正在iOS(iOS 12.0及以上)和Android(Android 6.0及以上)的Authenticator应用程序中推出。
下载了一个微软authenticator,但是登录后还是没有效果 分享233 微软吧 九罗 Microsoft Authenticator无法在华为手机中登录微软个人账号Windows账号登录方式要求谷歌套件! QR码个人账号没找到生成的方式。 分享33 微软吧 又是桃花盛开 添加microsoft authenticator没有密码是不是就不能登陆电脑了?安装这个软件以后,没有我的...