2. Open the Krypton Authenticator chrome extension pop-up 3. Scan the QR code on the extension with Krypton ==Compatibility== It works with the sites you love like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Dropbox, Stripe, GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, Salesforce, and many more. ...
Google Chrome(example 1,example 2) Firefox Developer Edition(example) It's possible that Authenticator will work with other browsers supportingWeb ExtensionsandwebRequest.onAuthRequiredAPI. However, I didn't have a chance to verify it yet. ...
Browser Extension Integrates with your web browser to auto-fill 2FA codes, enhancing security and convenience by streamlining the login process on websites Download Authenticator App by 2Stable# Trusted, loved and used by over 7 Million users!
you visit on your mobile. Your passwords are protected with multi-factor authentication in the app. You will need to prove yourself with your fingerprint, face ID, or PIN to access and autofill passwords on your mobile. You can also import passwords from Google Chrome and other password ...
您可以掃描二維碼或手動輸入以新增帳號,也可以從GoogleAuthenticator匯入。 3. 使用者友善的使用指南。 此應用程式包含基本步驟的說明,例如如何新增2FA代碼。 4. 透過iCloud 和 Google Cloud 在iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple Watch 和任何其他智能手機或平板電腦上同步您的帳戶。 5. 備份和還原代碼,透過OCR輕鬆管理和識別...
开源地址:Authenticator-Extension/Authenticator: Authenticator generates 2-Step Verification codes in your browser. (github.com) Edge扩展:Authenticator: 2FA Client - Microsoft Edge Addons Chrome扩展:身份验证器 - Chrome 应用商店 (google.com) image-20230916145046542...
在电脑上从 Google Chrome 导出密码 从Microsoft Edge 导出密码 从1password 导出密码 从Firefox 导出密码 从LastPass 导出密码 从Bitwarden 导出密码 从Dashlane 导出密码 从NordPass 从RoboForm 导出密码 通过创建 CSV 文件导出密码 使用Microsoft自动填充同步密码 ...
AppEventListener ads.appopen Overview AppOpenAd Overview AppOpenAdLoadCallback AppOpenAdOrientation ads.formats Overview AdManagerAdViewOptions Overview Builder MediaView NativeAd Overview AdChoicesInfo Image NativeAdOptions Overview AdChoicesPlacement Builder NativeMediaAspectRatio OnAdManagerAdView...
To install on Google Chrome for prefix supported mode ( for dev ) Copy the output folderchromepost runningnpm run chrometo a safe location (not to be deleted) OR Download fromhere chrome.zip Go to: Chrome Extensions and enableDeveloper Mode. Now, drag and drop thechromefolder from the abov...
讓 Microsoft Authenticator 成為預設的自動填入提供者,並開始在您於行動裝置上瀏覽的應用程式與網站上自動填入密碼。您的密碼受到應用程式中多重要素驗證的保護。您必須使用指紋、Face ID 或 PIN 來核准自己,以在行動裝置上存取及自動填入密碼。您也可以從 Google Chrome 及其他密碼管理員匯入密碼。