在App Service Authentication中配置 Azure AD注册的应用信息后,根据官方文档,可以让前端应用实现用户 AAD登录,然后通过前端应用获取的Token,来访问后端的API应用。 前端用户登录===》获取访问前端应用Token===》调用后端API时候传递Token到后端服务===》API验证 Token===》授权提供API数据 这一目的是为了实现前后端分...
在App Service Authentication 中配置 Azure AD 注册的应用信息后,根据官方文档,可以让前端应用实现用户 AAD 登录,然后通过前端应用获取的Token,来访问后端的API应用。 前端用户登录===》获取访问前端应用Token===》调用后端API时候传递Token到后端服务===》API验证 Token===》授权提供API数据 这一目的是为了实现前后...
StrongAuthenticationMethods :是一个用户对象的属性,它包含了用户已注册的多重身份验证方法的信息。 PS: 中国区Azure上无法通过 Graph API (: https://graph.chinacloudapi.cn/myorganization/users('XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX')?api-version=1.6-internal) 获取MFA的信息 问题解答 经过调查,可以通过Powe...
PS: 中国区Azure上无法通过 Graph API (:https://graph.chinacloudapi.cn/myorganization/users('XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX')?api-version=1.6-internal) 获取MFA的信息 问题解答 经过调查,可以通过PowerShell脚本来实现获取用户在MFA中的信息, 使用MS Online PowerShell module, 通过 Connect-MsolServic...
through Azure AD B2C service. It also enables your app to get tokens to access Microsoft Cloud services such as Microsoft Graph.RepositoryCore, wrapper and extensions librariesThe lib folder contains the source code for our libraries in active development. You will also find all the details about...
Azure Media Services は、2024 年 6 月 30 日に廃止されます。 詳細については、AMS 廃止ガイドを参照してください。 Azure AD 認証を使用して Azure Media Services API にアクセスする場合、次の 2 つの認証オプションがあります。
apimanagement com.azure.resourcemanager.apimanagement.fluent com.azure.resourcemanager.apimanagement.fluent.models com.azure.resourcemanager.apimanagement.models com.azure.resourcemanager.appconfiguration com.azure.resourcemanager.appconfiguration.fluent com.azure.resourcemanager.appconfiguration.fluent.models com.azure...
NoteMinor versions include bug fixes or features with non-breaking (additive) API changes. It is expected that applications using the library can upgrade through the IDE or CLI with no friction. We will not patch old minor versions of the library. When opening new issues, please confirm that...
API Key authenticationAPI Key is a popular authentication scheme that is used by web services. For example, Microsoft Azure Functions includes code parameters as part of the default template.Make sure that you define the following values:Parameter label - The label for the user prompt when a ...
Learn how a UCWA 2.0 online application authenticates a user with Azure AD to access Skype for Business resources.In order for your UCWA 2.0 application to access Skype for Business resources (such as messaging or presence), it needs to obtain an access token using implicit grant flow. This ...