import("context""""")const( account ="https://<replace_with_your_storage_account_name>"containerName ="sample-container"blobName ="sample-blob"sampleFile ="path/to...
To integrate Client VPN with SAML, you must establish trust between the service and your IdP. This is done through exporting application-specific metadata information from the IdP and uploading it into your AWS account. As mentioned in pre-requisites, I am using Okta as the example IdP in t...
Enter your user credentials and log in to your Minecraft account again. May 21, 2020 How To FREECloud Backup & Recovery Tool Backup & Access Your Data Anytime, Anywhere, from All Your Supported Windows & Mac Devices. Download Now (2GB FREE!)* ...
COK_AWS_REGION=us-west-2<-- Change this to match your regionCOK_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity--query'Account'--outputtext)<-- Change this to match your domainCOK_ECR_REPO=samp...
{"IsEncrypted":false,"Values": {"FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME":"node","AzureWebJobsStorage":"<your-storage-account-connection-string>","AzureSignalRConnectionString":"<your-Azure-SignalR-connection-string>"} } 上のコードでは以下の操作が行われます。