Directions Heat canola oil in a skillet over medium-high heat; season with onion powder and garlic powder. Stir in rice and cook until golden, 2 to 4 minutes. Stir in water and tomato sauce; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until rice is tender, about 1...
A perfect authentic Mexican Rice recipe! Never soggy, light and fluffy and deliciously flavorful, plus it’s super easy to make and also the perfect compliment to just about any Mexican entree. Just don’t forget to pair with refried beans or black beans of course! My Favorite Mexican Rice...
Our family loves rice and I make some sort of rice each week. This Authentic Mexican Rice recipe is made with white rice cooked in a fresh tomato sauce. This makes a great side dish for taco night. Rice is a staple in our house. My toddler loves rice and something that he will alway...
Easy Mexican Beans and Rice Soup This easy Beans and Rice Soup is on repeat for me lately...have you tried it yet?! It's such a simple recipe, but when you build it from scratch it is tremendously satisfying. It's also quite versatile so feel free to plop some other veggies in the...
This easy authentic Mexican Chicken Enchiladas recipe delivers big flavors of real Mexico without a lot of fuss.
Get the Recipe A cilantro savoy slaw gives these Halibut Fish Tacos a bright fresh flavor. Drinks and Traditional Mexican Treats Easy At-Home Tamales Use store-bought salsa to speed up chicken tamales. Tamale How-Tos WATCH 50-Layer Dip ...
JUMP TO RECIPE This Easy Mexican Ground Beef recipe is also quick to make; you can make it in a matter of minutes and it's packed with lots of flavors. You can use it for tacos, burritos or just serve with warm tortillas and rice. MY LATEST VIDEOS Easy Mexican Ground Beef I’m sur...
Instant Pot Spanish Rice Slow Cooker Barbacoa Beef Mexican Slow Cooker Stuffed Peppers One Pan Mexican Pasta Recipe Re-fried Black Beans 4.43 from 7 votes Super Easy Refried Beans. Homemade refried beans are a lot easier to make than you think. All you need is 4 ingredients. Ready in unde...
This is a home-style South Indian shrimp curry recipe from my husband's family. It is simple and quick to make. It contains no coconut so is not sweet, just mostly juicy and as hot as you like it. Serve with basmati rice or an Indian flatbread.
Plaza Mexican Grill is a restaurant in Goodlettsville, Tennessee, featuring tacos, fajtas, quesadillas, burritos, margaritas, and other Mexican favorites.