Dose of Luxe sells & consigns 100% Guaranteed Authentic Luxury Preloved Handbags and Accessories. Buy gently used designer items such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and others.
Jill’s Consignment buys and sells pre-owned, gently-used, authentic designer handbags and jewelry. Shop our inventory online, and let us buy your gently-used designer handbags & jewelry for cash outright. We buy and sell Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Prada, Saint Laurent, ...
Our world is one of Re/Imagined luxury. As such, we accept only the finest in high-end designer items. We understand there are many fine designers, but our world demands and your items deserve excellence. Our ideal item is one that has been gently loved, nearly new or perfectly pristine...