Tacos Al Pastor is very easy to make once you have all of the ingredients. Slicing your pork will probably take the most time and once that is done, you’re more than half way done! Once your pork is marinated, all you have to do is grill it up and chop, making it a fabulous ma...
3.Scoop your drained and cooked lentils into the Soup and stir to allow the lentils to merge with the vegies. And then optional is to add a few spoons of quinoa to your soup (this is really delicious) OR leave the quinoa as a side to enjoy adding to the soup as you eat it, like...
but is probably one of the healthiest salads for under US$1 you could ever have in your life. Asian Pennywort has a long list of health benefits, its important in Ayurvedic medicine (tradition from India), and even Thailand eats tons of this vegetable as well (which...