auth-proxy需要在acs服务器interface configuration里面new services新建协议.然后再group setupauth-proxy的custom attributes里面proxyacl#1=permit tcp any any priv-lvl=15授权. authentication proxy是工作在列表之前的.authentication proxy并不用放行认证流量.authentication proxy是需要aaa所以路由器到aaa的流量必须放行....
interface FastEthernet1/0 ip address ip access-group 115 in no ip directed-broadcast ip auth-proxy list_a ! ip classless ip route ip route ip http server ip http authentication aaa ! access-list 101...
aaa authorization exec default group RTP none aaa authorization auth-proxy default group RTP enable secret 5 $1$CQHC$R/07uQ44E2JgVuCsOUWdG1 enable password ww ! ip subnet-zero ! ip auth-proxy auth-proxy-banner ip auth-proxy auth-cache-time 10 ip auth-proxy name list_a http ip audit ...
因为上面ipauth-proxynameauth80http,所以这个用web浏览器认证。你要用telnet认证就ipauth-proxynameauth80telnet,认证通过后 Download规则。 下线后R1#clearipauth-proxycache*,清楚缓存。 你若ipauth-proxynameauth80telnet,则就用 地址任意,但是必须走向R1.但是奇诡,认证失败,我们来看 ...
Auth-proxy Authentication Outbound(Cisco IOS防火牆和NAT)配置 目錄 簡介 必要條件 需求 採用元件 慣例 設定 網路圖表 組態 驗證 疑難排解 相關資訊 簡介 此示例配置最初阻止從內部網路上的主機裝置(到Internet上所有裝置的流量,直到您使 用身份驗證代理執行瀏覽器身份驗證.從伺服器向下傳遞的訪問清單(...
npm add okapi-auth-proxy # Or to install globally npm add -g okapi-auth-proxy Or you can build it locally: git clone cd okapi-auth-proxy npm install Running okapi-auth-proxy Invocation is very simple: just run ...
ipauth-proxynamefanhttp ! ! interfaceFastEthernet0/0 ipaddress172.16.120.254255.255.255.0 ipnatinside ipauth-proxyfan ! interfaceFastEthernet0/1 ipaddress200.100.1.1 ipnatoutside duplexauto speedauto ! ipnatinsidesourcelist1interfaceFastEthernet0/1overload ...
docker run --rm -p 18000:18000 -e TARGET_URL=http://localhost:8000 -e AUTH_ACCESS_KEY=whoami wengchaoxi/auth-proxy:latest Then visit: http://localhost:18000 Example Add access authentication for the traefik/whoami service, with the access key as whoami Edit docker-compose.yml and run ...
What happened? I am trying to configure the reverse proxy server with basic authentication, it works and everything, but when I logoff it gives an error and the console appears that ws:localhost/grafana/api/live/ws fails, that happens wi...
The proxy authenticate response header. C# [Android.Runtime.Register("PROXY_AUTH_RESP")]publicconststringProxyAuthResp; Field Value String Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by theAndroid Open Source Projectand used according to...