Protecting a route in a react-router-dom v6 app We need to access the useNavigate hook so we can use navigate in onRedirectCallback to return us to our returnUrl. In order to access useNavigate when defining our Auth0Provider we must nest it in BrowserRouter and use the navigate method...
Click here to learn how to protect routes using React Router v6! This section uses React Router v5. The Auth0 React SDK exposes a withAuthenticationRequiredHigher-Order Component (HOC) that you can use to protect routes. You can also use ...
react-native-auth0。添加后(npm install react-native-auth0),预构建失败。 我也尝试使用 npx create-expo-app 从一个空项目开始,但我遇到了同样的问题。 这是我基于 app.json 文档的 react-native-auth0 配置: "plugins": [ "expo-router", [ "expo-splash-screen", { "image": "./assets/im...
Powerful Auth Management library for ReactJs-based applications - chore(deps): update dependency npm-run-all2 to v6.2.6 · react-auth-kit/react-auth-kit@462f083