针对你遇到的问题 "could not use requested auth plugin 'mysql_native_password'",这里有几个可能的解决方案,我会按照你的提示逐一进行说明,并附上相关的代码片段(如果适用)。 1. 确认MySQL服务器版本和配置 首先,你需要确认你的MySQL服务器版本以及当前的认证插件配置。可以通过以下SQL命令查看MySQL服务器的版本:...
SELECTuser,host,pluginFROMmysql.user; 1. 这条SQL 查询将列出所有用户、主机及其认证插件。 步骤3: 修改用户的认证方式 假设我们要将名为testuser的用户认证方式从auth_socket改为mysql_native_password。使用以下命令: ALTERUSER'testuser'@'localhost'IDENTIFIEDWITHmysql_native_passwordBY'your_password'; 1. 这...
mysql8版本默认的认证方式是caching_sha2_password ,客户端不支持,之前是采用mysql_native_password,可以在启动容器时添加参数 --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password 如:docker run -d -p 3303:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 --name mysqltest3 mysql--default-authentication-plugin=mysql_nat...
If the client sends a Caching_sha2_password information and the server has a mysql_native_password plugin for that user it will ask the client to switch to mysql_native_password and the client will reply from the mysql_native_password plugin: 14 00 00 03 f4 17 96 1f 79 f3 ac 10 0b...
canal version 1.1.8-alpha-3 mysql version 8.0.40 -- CREATE USER canal IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'canal'; CREATE USER canal IDENTIFIED BY 'canal'; GRANT SELECT, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'canal'@'%'; -...
Hi, we have a MySQL installation (I think that is old) that requires the mysql native password argument - example from mysql command line below: shell> mysql --default-auth=mysql_native_password ... Reference link: https://dev.mysql.com/...
AuthNativeSender::AuthNativeSender(MysqlRoutingClassicConnectionBase*conn, std::stringinitial_server_auth_data, std::stringpassword ) inline Member Function Documentation stdx::expected<Processor::Result, std::error_code > AuthNativeSender::error() ...
1. 连接到MySQL服务器(可使用支持的工具) mysql-uroot-p 1. 2. 修改用户的认证插件 假设我们需要修改的用户是myuser,可以执行如下SQL语句: ALTERUSER'myuser'@'localhost'IDENTIFIEDWITHmysql_native_passwordBY'your_password'; 1. 3.3 更新连接字符串 ...
The plugin is in work. The client & server side function all return CR_OK. But the logging in is denied, the error message says: ODBC SQLSTATE=HY000 Native error=1045, message=[MySQL][ODBC 5.3(a) Driver]Access denied for user 'jtest1'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ...