I use 0.9.31a version and when i run this code after correct authentication he says: ERROR: Error loading server auth code: ERROR_INTERNAL PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetServerAuthCode ((authStatus, code) => { if (authStatus == CommonStat...
执行以下命令,查看Auth Server服务状态。 systemctl status batch-auth_server.service 出现如下回显日志信息,表示Auth Server服务启动失败原因为信号量被占用。 Aug 06 14:32:09 X86-85 start.sh[158625]:Error: The semaphore is occupied, Please switch to root to delete semaphore!Aug 06 14:32:09 X86-85...
告警解释 WLAN/4/STA_AUTH_FAIL: OID [oid] Station author is error notify.(APMAC=[OPAQUE],APMAC=[OPAQUE],RadioID=[INTEGER],StaMac=[OPAQUE],APName=[OCTET],StaAssocBssid=[OPAQUE],Ssid=[OCTET],StaAuthenticationMode=[INTEGER],StaFailCodeType=[OCTET],StaAuthenticationFailCause=[INTEGER],StaAuthe...
Whensnapshotting is in progress and the user explicitly requests a logrewrite operation using BGREWRITEAOF the server will reply with an OKstatus code telling the user the operation is scheduled, and therewirte will start once the snapshotting is completed. In the caseboth AOF and RDB persistenc...
FeatureInstallSessionStatus FeatureInstallErrorCode CommonInstallException FeatureInstallException Connect API 获取Token 获取Token(项目级) Publishing API(HarmonyOS) 查询应用包名对应的appid 查询应用信息 更新应用基本信息 更新应用语言信息 删除语言描述信息 更新应用文件信息 更新版本上架...
The SMS verification code is empty. zh 电话验证码为空 PRODUCT_STATUS_ERROR PRODUCT_STATUS_ERROR:= 203817744 en Auth Service is not enabled for the product. zh 产品没有开通认证服务 PROVIDER_HAVE_LINKED_ONE_USER PROVIDER_HAVE_LINKED_ONE_USER:= 203818039 ...
Error condition. Invalid type, member, or mode parameter. See the dd_authmsgs for details. 12 Severe error condition. Accounting record not found or severe error. 16 Severe error condition. One of the following occurred: Not authorized to updateto_authcode, access_key mismatch, or not aut...
If an error occurred, <code data-dev-comment-type="c">AccountManagerFuture#getResult()</code> throws: <ul> <li> <code data-dev-comment-type="c">AuthenticatorException</code> if the authenticator failed to respond <li> <code data-dev-comment-type="c">Operation...
For simplicity, this sample does not check for // a repeated sequence of status codes. if( dwLastStatus == 407 ) bDone = TRUE; break; default: // The status code does not indicate success. printf( "Error. Status code %d returned.\n", dwStatusCode ); bDone = TRUE; } } // ...
FeatureInstallSessionStatus FeatureInstallErrorCode CommonInstallException FeatureInstallException Connect API Obtaining a Token Obtaining a Project-Level Token Upload Mangement API Obtaining the File Upload URL Uploading a File Initializing Chunk Information Obtaining Chunk Upload URLs Uploading...