AUT Also found in:Financial,Acronyms,Wikipedia. AUT abbreviation for (Education) Association of University Teachers Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
AUT[1]is New Zealand's leading modern university and one of the largest universities in the country. We have been a university since 2000, but a place of learning for 120 years and operate in accordance with the Education Act (1989). Collin留学书房 11 次咨询 5.0 3613 次赞同 去咨询 澳门...
Masters Study Mode On Campus Develop specialist skills in a chosen field of medical laboratory science, demonstrate your analytical and problem-solving skills and learn to apply contemporary theory to current practice. The ability to carry out research in medical laboratory science is a skill in high...
A Masters in Hospitality Management focuses on the transfer and the development of executive skills and aptitudes of a strategic nature. The hospitality and tourism industry are composed of many interrelated sectors; thus, the need to s...
If, venerable sir, a man were to kill you there would be no murder, and it follows that there are no masters or teachers in your Order. You say that you are called Nàgasena; now what is that Nàgasena? Is it the hair?" "I don't say that, great king." 32 "Is it then the...
Also, they must have the global knowledge of business management in an international environment that allows them to develop the management skills essential to lead complex projects in all kinds of organizations. Thus, the MBA responds to the real needs of th...