13. Driving in Austria: - If you plan to drive, familiarize yourself with Austrian road rules. - Consider exchanging your UK driving license for an Austrian one. 14. Language: While many Austrians speak English, learning some basic German phrases can be helpful for daily interactions. 15. So...
This chapter addresses the relation between research and policymaking in the field of migrant integration for the Austrian case. When it comes to integrating migrants in Austria, knowledge, and particularly scientific knowledge, plays a central role in r
The total student body in Austrian universities is about 245,000, approximately 30,000 of whom are foreigners. Austrian universities are free for Austrian citizens. EU students pay a tuition fee of €726 (approx. US$800) per semester. Austria’s institutions of higher learning are open to ...
Driving License Family and legal matters Elections Legalisation Legislation, etc. In case of a lost or stolen passport first, one needs to file a report of the lost passport at a local police station. In order to issue a new passport a police report certificate is required. The applicant mus...
particularly Bosnia Herzegovina; 'Integration before new immigration' becomes guiding principle; Ministry of Interior assumes central role Milestones of Austrian integration policy The then liberal Minister of Interior, Caspar Einem, proposes amendments to the Foreigners Law under the heading of 'integration...