Intake levels were compared with the recommendations of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, the 1993 Goals and Targets for Australia's Health in 2000 and beyond, and intakes of the 1985 National Dietary Survey.One-quarter of children and adolescents did not eat fruit on the day of survey ...
There is an increasing need to understand of how the intersection of foodways and wellbeing can offer a powerful, constructive, and strengths-based guide to inform programs and services to support the health and wellbeing of First Nations peoples more effectively. The current study conducted secon...
Such messages include: “Excellent; BG within target range, continue your medication as prescribed”, and “Excellent, BG within target range, continue with healthy eating”). It has been demonstrated that providing motivation and encouragement after attaining a goal can enhance self-efficacy40 which...
Key areas identified to assess nutrition literacy included specific nutrients versus foods, labels and packaging, construction of the diet, knowledge of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, understanding of serve and portion sizes, ability to select healthier foods, ...
This study has the following secondary outcomes to investigate across various PBD and regular meat-eating diets: (1) dietary profile, such as dietary intake and food choices, across the five food groups; (2) diet quality and nutritional adequacy; (3) body composition and anthropometric measures;...