Make sure to apply for the correct type of work visa. When renewing the visa, look for other visa options that one can be eligible for. The existing visa might be a pathway to another visa which might be beneficial to the individual. Take a Bridging Visa A/BVA which will let the indiv...
Find all the essential information about working holiday visas in Australia, from how to apply, to where to find the perfect job and how to stay a little longer - everything you need towork and play the Aussie waywith ease! Working Holiday Visa FAQ ...
Working Holiday Visas Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) (aka 1st or 2nd WHV) Work and Holiday Visa (subclass 462) Temporary Work Visas Temporary Work (short stay) Visa (subclass 400) Temporary Activity (Subclass 408) Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa (subclass 457) VISA IS NOW CLOSED Skil...
Immigration introduced a number of changes to the Subclass 417 Working Holiday and Subclass 462 Work & Holiday visa schemes on 1 July 2019 Tuesday, 23 April 2019 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional VisaDetails on the new regional employer-sponsored visa are now available, in anticipation of the ...
If you're aged between 18 and 30 (or 35 in some cases) and hold a passport for a country or region participating in Australia's Working Holiday Maker program, you may be eligible to apply for a 12-month working holiday visa which allows you to work and fund your dream Aussie adventure...
Increase your chances of a successful Australian visa application. Find out how you can work, live and study in Australia.
Why should you apply for your visa now?Right now at Visa First, we’ve got fantastic discounts on our Australian Working Holiday Visa Packs until the end of June!By applying for your visa now, you can enjoy great savings and start planning your dream trip to Australia anytime within the ...
Now what do the updates to Australia’s Working Holiday Visa programme really mean for you? As of 1 July 2023, one of the most significant changes that came into play was that the eligible age bracket to apply for the visa increased from 30 to 35. This means that any eligible UK, Brit...
Migration-COVID19-pandemic-event-for-sc408-visa-repeal-instrument-24003-2024.pdf (下载222) Subclass 417 and 462 The amendments aim to recognise the vital contributions of Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program participants in disaster-stricken regions, facilitating quicker community and business recovery...
Working Holiday Visas Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) (aka 1st or 2nd WHV) Work and Holiday Visa (subclass 462) Temporary Work Visas Temporary Work (short stay) Visa (subclass 400) Temporary Activity (Subclass 408) Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa (subclass 457) VISA IS NOW CLOSED Skil...