noting that books produced here had been of poor quality: “the less said about them the better; no library would care to own them, and they remain a sad record of ignoble effort and artistic failure”. Meanwhile, overseas
Alexandra Poultry,Alison Wright,Allan White,AlligatorCrkHeritageBreed,Ally Mays Fowls,Alpine Poultry,Amature Chookz,,,Ann Meek,Ann Owen,annh,Appleton Australorps,Arlene,Arlene Guineas,artemiss,arvoducks,Ash Maree,Ashlee Patterson,auctioneer
He unlocked the door and we entered. The room, however, if such cells were worthy of the title, was little more than a white concrete box with a hard wooden bed, a hole-in-the-floor dunny, and metal bars on the windows. ‘Any chance of an upgrade?’ ‘Lunch is at twelve o’cloc...
Whiteant – to criticise someone White Pointers – Great white sharks. Also means topless females at the beach Wife beater – a dark blue blue singlet Wino – an alcoholic who drinks a lot of cheap wine, or plonk Wog – a flu or virus of some description. Also a person of Mediterranean...
and Mrs. Greentree Frog, as always were on the back verandah. I passed my first kangaoor (or was it a wallaby) test. I heard boing, boing, boing and there they were. When I don’t know what something is, I usually sit down and think about it a while so it was great for Mum...