All cities have seen a general trend towards more of their population living further from the CBD, with the notable exception of Canberra which has seen the outer urban fringe expanding by little more than a couple of kilometres at the most, and substantial in-fill housing at major town centr...
Think nothing ever happens in your town? Australia's suburbs are home to some of the most mysterious and disturbing true crime cases in the world. Meshel Laurie is a true crime obsessive, and with the help of expert interviews with writers, victims, investigators and perpetrators, she probes...
About this time, Ilyas who had been sent to school by the German farmers for whom he was working, comes to town and becomes friends with Khalifa. Khalifa, who had similarly grown up largely apart from his parents, which he regrets, persuades Ilyas, who has been away 10 years, to return...
Koala Kiss Project comes to town with Warialda Workshop 13 Dec 2022 A ground-breaking initiative to ensure the long-term survival of Koalas will be the focus of a momentous workshop in NSW’s Gwydir Shire – home of Australia’s first ‘Koala Kiss’ site. ...
After the 1997 NBL season, McGregor moved to the Sydney Kings where he would play until 2000, making the switch to Sydney's cross-town rivals. On 5 April 2007, McGregor left the struggling Razorbacks to become the first player signed by the Gold Coast Blaze. Since leaving t...
chatting up flirting, e.g., "I saw him chatting her up at the neighbour's party." This is starting to show up in the U.S., meaning to have a lively, friendly conversation—perhaps to impress the person. Thus, it does not necessarily mean to flirt, but to favorably impress....
72. Struggletown: Public and Private Life in Richmond 1900-1965 By Janet McCalman The old Struggletowners, if they could see it now, would not believe their eyes.'In Struggletown, Janet McCalman takes us into the inner-city industrial working-class suburb of Richmond, in Melbourne, before ...
Starting in the pretty little town of Albert we head first to Villers-Bretonneux and spend the morning uncovering the history of the Australian force in the dark days of the 1918 German Spring Offensive. After lunch, we move on to the Battle of the...
Calcutta: Sweepstakes conducted prior to a big event with each horse beingraffledand then auctioned to the highest bidder.[3] Carry the grandstand: Said of a horse allocated a bigweightin a handicap race. Cast: A horse situated on its side or back, and wedged in the starting stalls, such...
From 1 July 2024, theminimum wageis$24.10per hour, or$915.90per 38-hour week. This is a3.75%increase in the national minimum wage. This increase applies from the first full pay period starting on or after1July 2024. You canlearn more about the increase here. ...