ImportDeclaration(N10)-Post APPROVEDFORMSECTION71KANDAPPROVEDSTATEMENTSECTION71LOFTHECUSTOMSACT1901 OWNER/RECIPIENTDETAILSPleaseprovideatleastonephone,emailorfaxcontact—youmustsupplyall(exceptfax)ifavailable Firstname: Address: State:Postcode: Lastname(orOrganisation): Phone: Mobile: Fax: Email(ifapplicable)...
Form Identity declaration 1195 Form 1195 Identity declaration is to be completed and provided to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (the department): ? for each additional child if you have more children than the space on your citizenship application form allows, or ? if you ...,3%2C500)%20(ABS%202019b) (2020) Google Scholar Australian Taxation Office, 2023 Australian Taxation Office Individual statisti...