Dollars to Pounds: Convert Australian Dollars to SDG (AUDSDG). Live dollar to pound exchange rates, quick and easy to use exchange calculator for converting Australian Dollars into pounds and pounds into Australian Dollars. Exchange rate history and char
The average super refund we get for people is AU$1,908 and we can help you get yours too! You can get a free refund estimate using our tax refund calculator 2024 or get started here now! If you’ve any questions or need any help!
Penalty rates are the legal requirement for employers to pay their employees a higher pay rate when working weekends, public holidays, overtime, late night or early morning shifts. Make sure to check what penalty rates apply for your employees’ awards here. The Fair Work Pay Calculator The Fa...
The amount of money you save in taxes will differ depending on your tax rate (individual/trust, SMSF, company), but it should be noted that higher tax rates will apply for investments you’ve held for less than a year (short-term capital gains) than investments you’ve sold after ...
The national carrier posted an annual profit after tax of A$1.25 billion ($865.8 million) for fiscal 2024. Of the 786 short-haul Qantas pilots who voted, 63.4% voted against the deal. The rejection of this proposal comes in the wake of a strike by the airline's engineers l...