Australian superannuation employee contribution ratesUp until recently, the rate of payment from your earning was 10.5%, on income up to $54,030. However, on July 1 2023, this rate was increased by 0.5%, so it now stands at 11%.
Corporate profits are rising in the sector that’s been pointed out to be the biggest of our tax evaders, the biggest thieves of workers’ wages and superannuation, the biggest scammers of government-provided services, the biggest employers of casualized and temporary imported labor, and the bi...
1. AustralianSuper Balanced investment option compared to the SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index to 30 June 2023. Investment returns are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns . 2. Net return (sometimes called net benefi...
Use the Fair Work Ombudsman Pay Calculator to determine the exact rate for a specific apprenticeship.SuperannuationEmployers are obliged to pay a minimum 11% superannuation contribution to their employees based on their ordinary time earnings and who are 18 years old or older, or are under 18 and...
The acquisition aligns with Tradeweb’s mission to make markets more efficient. Australian institutions, including superannuation (employer-sponsored retirement account) funds, will enjoy enhanced access to Tradeweb’s liquid, global, multi-asset platform. Tradeweb’s international...
Since the 2017 Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, there has been a crackdown on lending standards across consumer finance asset classes. This has led to tighter underwriting standards, with more emphasis on expense verification. Unlike reside...
The digital transformation process for a range of government departments has also improved their communications to the public.The ATO now posts regular updatesabout important changes to the rules regarding taxation and superannuation via the MyGov site, which helps many Australians to keep a firm grasp...
If you own or manage a business and employ people, you are required to pay your eligible employees super. The rules are set out under the superannuation guarantee (SG) legislation, a law that tells you the minimum amount you need to pay, to which workers, and how often. ...
Superannuation is the fund set aside by employers to provide their employees with a dignified retirement. Studies highlight that issues can arise with retirement funds from employers, such as failure to make required contributions to an employee’s super