39 In Australia, the relationship between alcohol consumption and a number of individual cancer types has been investigated,40 but to our knowledge, there are no population-based, prospective studies that quantify the risk of alcohol consumption on many cancer types in a single study, nor are ...
Data on alcohol use were obtained from structured interviews with hospital patients aged 65 and over. The cross-sectional sample (sex by age by region) was drawn from three hospitals in New South Wales, Australia. Multivariate statistics and chi-square tests of proportion were used to analyse ...
An application of hierarchical kappa-type statistics in the assessment of majority agreement among multiple observers. Biometrics. 1977;363:74. doi:10.2307/2529786. Google Scholar Shi Y, Cummins SE. Smoking cessation services and smoke-free policies at substance abuse treatment facilities: national ...
Compared with population statistics for women of the same age group,20 the sample was skewed toward higher unemployment, lower household income, and a higher proportion being born in Australia and speaking English as the main language at home. There were 7.5% (n = 106) of the ...
It includes highlights of the latest export volume and value statistics by destination market, container type and variety. The report is updated quarterly. Reports from previous quarters are also available. See also the Australian wine export monitor. Export Summary In the 12 months ended December ...
Chief executive Michael Thorn told Fairfax Media on Wednesday that alcohol is a factor in 40.6 percent of suicides, homicides and other sudden deaths in New South Wales (NSW), Australia's most populous state. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics released in September 2018 revealed that ...
Trade statistics show that Australian food exports are mainly primary produce while imports comprise predominantly processed food and beverages. Methodology that relies on local production of, and trade in, primary produce only can give an increasingly inaccurate picture of the Australian food supply, ...
Slade J, Teesson W, Burgess P. The mental health of Australians 2: report on the 2007 national survey of mental health and wellbeing. 2009. Australian Bureau of Statistics. National survey of mental health and wellbeing 2007: summary of results. Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics; 2008...
We examined nine self-reported outcome variables in three categories: (1) health-related lifestyles: smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and physical activity; (2) psychological outcomes: psychological distress, anxiety and depression; (3) overall health and wellbeing: self-rated health and quality of...
Trade statistics show that Australian food exports are mainly primary produce while imports comprise predominantly processed food and beverages. Methodology that relies on local production of, and trade in, primary produce only can give an increasingly inaccurate picture of the Australian food supply, ...