For other schools, committed to research-informed practice, a Direct Instruction program like Spelling Mastery (Levels A-F) (Dixon et al., 2007) is used developmentally and offered at each year of primary school to ensure all students receive the same high quality spelling instruction. Whatever ...
Sedentary behaviour themes were also centred around 24-h movement guidelines and activity (i.e. they should allow for self-regulation, and play-based activities). Staff role modelling to encourage positive PA and screen time behaviours in the OSHC setting was prominent. Examples of participant ...
Specific examples of this epistemic orientation are as follows: phonics learning, grammar conventions and spelling rules. Kalantzis et al. (2016) explain how and why the teaching strategy most appropriate to the knowledge process of conceptualisation is explicit or direct teaching. This approach ...
Racial, ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity in Australia is rapidly increasing. Although Indigenous Australians account for only approximately 3.5% of the country’s population, over 50% of Australians were born overseas or have at least one migran
of Vaccine Development: Past, Present, and FutureAdvances in Antibody-based HIV-1 Vaccine DevelopmentAdvances in Bacterial VaccinesAdvances in DNA VaccinesAdvances in Epidemiologic and Immunologic Research of Emerging Infectious DiseasesAdvances in Supportive Care in Cancer during Pandemics and Natural ...
text, email, large print, extra-large print, braille, sign language (restricted frame), tactile sign language, deafblind manual alphabet and fingerspelling, idiosyncratic tactile languages, interpreters, and various assistive software and devices. For data collection, most preferred face-to-face method...