Just like Philly has ‘Jawn’ and Pittsburgh has ‘Yinz’,Australiaisn’t much different. Yes, Margot Robbie and crew haveslangof their own and it’s wild. We’ve collected a batch of the best Australian slang terms for you to try on your friends and fam. Enjoy. ...
Many so called 'slang dictionaries' include words or sayings that are specific to only one area of Australia or use archaic slang that has fallen out of use. A lot seem to just make things up that nobody ever says just to fill up the pages of their books. I have tried to include on...
Find below our ever-growing list of common Aussie Slang words you could expect to find at some point when conversing with an Australian.A Ace! : Excellent! Very good! Aerial pingpong : Australian Rules football Aggro: Aggressive, ticked off, spoiling for a fight Alkie: Alcoholic Alice, The...
Across the English-speaking world, they’ve become famous for their penchant for shortening words like sunglasses to sunnies, swimsuit to swimmers, afternoon to arvo – the list goes on. And, over time, Aussie slang has become the subject of much entertainment online – with expressions often ...
A massive list of 862 Australian Slang Words, Insults, Expressions & Colloquialisms - the most bizarre Aussie words you'll hear Down Under!
This no doubt comes from the British slang for poop, or to put it rudely, shit. When an Australian says, "I cacked myself," he might mean he laughed really hard, but a Brit would mean that he laughed so hard that he shit himself....
Aussies are known for their unique creativity when it comes to tweaking our language. Discover the 100 most popular Australian slang words, terms and sayings.
Use the search bar to look for terms in all glossaries, dictionaries, articles and other resources simultaneously TheAustralian and New Zealand punting glossaryexplains some of the terms, jargon and slang which are commonly used and heard onAustralianandNew Zealandracecourses, inTABs, on radio, an...
Words like no are stretched into a longer, more nasal sound. 11 New Zealand Accent Speaks more quickly. Their quick speech pace often surprises visitors. 12 Australian Accent Utilizes unique slang. Australians often say arvo for afternoon, highlighting their accent’s character. 6 New Zealand Acce...
of overseas competitors in the 1979 Southern Cross Cup series and the Hitachi Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race (perhaps even for the benefit of the occasional bewildered Australian), the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia language experts have compiled the following dictionary of Australian ocean racing slang....