And, over time, Aussie slang has become the subject of much entertainment online – with expressions often becoming TikTok trends (No, Cleo!) or seeping into popular culture. Amanda Laugesen, chief editor of the Australian National Dictionary, through the Australian National University (ANU) tells ...
I'm flat out like a lizard drinking, trying to keep up with all this slang! 159 votes Is this legit slang down under? Photo: amanda tipton flickr CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 15 Tanty A tantrum. If I don't have a durry soon, I'm going to have a tanty. 171 votes Is this legit slang ...
Aussies are known for their unique creativity when it comes to tweaking our language. Discover the 100 most popular Australian slang words, terms and sayings.
A massive list of 862 Australian Slang Words, Insults, Expressions & Colloquialisms - the most bizarre Aussie words you'll hear Down Under!
Many so called 'slang dictionaries' include words or sayings that are specific to only one area of Australia or use archaic slang that has fallen out of use. A lot seem to just make things up that nobody ever says just to fill up the pages of their books. ...
Heard that someone is “Flat out like a lizard drinking“? The English phrase for this would be “busy as a bee”. I was doing a little googling on this particular topic and came across a website, called the Australian slang dictionary. Scanning through it I found an expression that I ...
QUANTAS : Australian national air carrier Quid : slang for 1 pound note before Australian conversion to decimal currency Quid, make a : earn a living –“are you making a quid?” Quid, not the full : of low IQR Rack off : push off! get lost! get out of here! also “rack off hai...
crown jewels slang for male genitalia. In the U.S. I always heard "family jewels," which I took to mean that the value was especially to the family, as the source of new life in the family—not more important than the female contribution, just more "out there," more exposed to ...
TheAustralian and New Zealand punting glossaryexplains some of the terms, jargon and slang which are commonly used and heard onAustralianandNew Zealandracecourses, inTABs, on radio, and in the horse racing media. Some terms are peculiar to Australia, such as references to bookmakers, but most ...
Related article Australian slang terms every visitor should know Much of the collection at the Cyril Callister Foundation comes from Vegemite superfan Gina Gardenal. She has amassed hundreds of pieces of memorabilia over the years, including magnets and photos, although, upsettingly for her, not ...