Although his NBA career never materialized, Majok's shot-blocking prowess and athleticism stood out as he represented Australia in various international competitions. As an ambassador for multiculturalism in Australian basketball, Majok's story serves to inspire the nation's diverse youth...
The Australian Dream is a documentary that uses the remarkable and inspirational story of indigenous Afl legend Adam Goodes as the prism through which to tell a deeper and more powerful story about race, identity and belonging.Please note: This competition is open to UK residents onlya Raffle...
Blog + Follow Blog Sukoo Story is a place for that to unfold even further. A virtual village for mothers to find support, encouragement, wisdom, and community, and ultimately, know they're not alone on this journey in Motherhood. We are so excited to share our...
October 10 Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story (WB) October 17 Smile 2 (Paramount) November 7 The Amateur (20th Century Studios) November 14 Red One (Amazon/MGM/WB) November 21 Untitled Gladiator sequel (Paramount) November 28 Wicked: Part One (Universal) Moana 2 (Disney) December 5 Pi...
Life’s too short to be normal – stay weird $27.50–$31.00 Select options Corporate Subscription $2,200.00/ year Sign up now Premium Subscription $792.00/ year Sign up now Basic Subscription $294.00/ year Sign up now Join our directory!
©everydoghasastory/ Temperament and Behavior Australian Kelpies have a pretty even temperament. This breed exhibits very loyal traits and can be very devoted to the members of their family. Kelpies are also very intelligent dogs that need mental stimulation along with regular exerci...
We have found the perfect video for all the Sydneysiders staring down the barrel of another four weeks of lockdown, or for anyone who is in need of some new ways to find inspiration for their photoshoots. Put together by the talented team atMango Street, this short video tutorial is pac...
Her short story ‘The Houses that are Left Behind’ was an O. Henry prize-winning story in 2018. She editedThe Writer’s Reader: A Guide to Writing Fiction and Poetry(2002) and also wrote a memoir of how books were her solace and a distraction from fear and pain during her journey wi...
“You're a rambling talker, a raconteur, which doesn't particularly suit my style, which is pithier and to the point, and we've got to get through the story more quickly. My style doesn't always suit everybody, so I have to pressure people like you to keep it short and punchy.”...
Unlock your inner artist this school holiday with a Summer School Short Course at the National Art School. New South Wales 13 Jan - 24 Jan 2025 Featured Performances & Gigs Mini Music Lovers Escape from screens, schoolbooks and everyday routines!