Barry Shepherd Barry Smith Barry Thompson Barry Ward Barry Waters Barry Wells Barrylex Barsandi Barty Hayze Barwidgee Bill Basia Basmati Batgirl Bathurst Bathurst Club Bathurst Gold Cup Bathurst Greyhound Of The Year Battle Brother Bay Flyer Bayroad Queen Stayers Be In...
I have also eaten a tuna potato pie at a country restaurant that turned out to be mashed potatoes mixed with tuna, no doubt an adaptation of Shepherd's pie. My recipe of the latter was a hamburger-vegetable mix topped with mashed potatoes....
rkshepherd on June 11, 2008 - 7:48pm Permalink | Comments top Thanks, that is an exhaustive account that needs to be read at least twice because it has implications for a lot of other places in the world, not least Russia. Perhaps for CNG read GTLs, in the form of methanol or ot...