Super contribution calculator See how adding a bit extra to your super now could make a big difference when you retire. The calculator will also show different payment options to help you decide how to boost your super, like salary sacrifice, after-tax contributions or a combination of both. ...
Make after-tax contributions Salary sacrificing Add to your partner's super First home super saver ABN, USI details for employer Consolidate your super Find lost super Access super early Nominate a beneficiary Super death benefit How super is taxed Helpful Tools Superannuation articl...
- Tax withheld calculator: calculate the amount of tax to withhold from salary and wage payments. - ABN Lookup: search for an Australian business number (ABN). - Business performance check: compare your business with similar businesses in your industry using the latest Small business benchmarks....
The income was promptly pair to you by the entity as a salary. Attributing PSI The PSI your business receives needs to be allocated aka attributed to each individual who performed the services (after being reduced by certain deductions), and the individual then declares the income in their indi...
Salary sacrifice is where you choose to give up or 'sacrifice' part of your before-tax salary and add it directly into your super account. Add to your super today.
Extra contributions may include salary sacrificed amounts an employee has arranged to have deducted from their pre-tax income and paid into their super fund. Reporting can be via Single Touch Payroll (STP) or on the employee’s annual payment summary. Manage Super Contributions...
If you pay your employees additional super contributions, for example from a bonus or via salary sacrificing, you need to report the payments to the ATO. These extra contributions could influence any government payments your employees may receive. For example, family tax benefits, child support pay...
Our guiding principle is that the cost of basic (default) insurance cover should be less than 1% of members’ average salary over their working life and less than 10% of their ultimate retirement balance. Our insurance fees (costs) for basic cover are comfortably below these thresholds and the...